Arugments, gunshots, and lovemaking…

July 31, 2007 at 2:15 pm (life, love)

Well, after all the crappiness from the weekend, it got worse last night. But it didn’t start out that way when I got home from work. Hombre was being great. He went to the store for me to buy tortillas for dinner (um, yeah, GR8 does NOT make homemade torts!).

He bought me a two liter of D.Pepsi. He put gas in the car, and then he changed the tire, because it had a nail in it…

If you’re wondering where he got the money, well, I asked. He had borrowed $20 bucks from his deaf cousin who stopped by with six 24 oz cans of  Natural Ice…(yeah, he’s also an alcoholic). That was probably why Hombre was being so nice…he had beer for the rest of the evening.

I was feeling a little lovable, and a bit horny. But, after cooking carne guisada and rice, and with the comal on to warm up the torts for dinner, I was a sweaty mess. And I mean, YUCKY!!!

So I jumped in the shower, thinking I’m gonna get me some tonight. Hombre comes in, and he’s complaining how he’s all sweaty, and that he’s kinda smelly. I figured he was going to jump in the shower, too…you know, to get ready for the festivites?

But instead, being drunk, he just plops his heavy, sweaty body on me, and starts groping. So as delicately as I could I asked him if he was going to jump in the shower first, and I would pull out the sofa bed, etc.

He looked at me like I was crazy, and he said, “What’s the point of doing that?”

I was confused, and replied, “Of what? Pulling out the bed?”

“No, of taking a shower. I’m just going to get all dirty again anyway.”

OK…Now that seemed so wrong on so many levels!!! First, I took the time to get myself as fresh and clean as possible so that he could enjoy our time together to the max. Second, are you saying that being with me will get you ‘dirty’? Am I that gross? Third, don’t I deserve the same consideration as I gave you? Don’t I deserve to have a nice, clean guy so that I can enjoy the experience, and maybe, just maybe want to do it again?

I couldn’t even tell him this, I was so shocked. All I could say was, “Wow…you really feel that way? Not worth it, huh?”

So I got up and went back to BabyGirls bedroom, and cried. I felt like an ass. It was like the time, years ago, when I tried to be sexy, and do something special for him. I had bought a negligee (yeah, this was back when I weighed 130 pounds), and tricked out the basement with candles, and soft music. I called him downstairs, and he came in and said, “What the hell are you doing?”

I just stood there like a dumbass, trying to say something, but the tears started before I could speak. Well, that’s how I felt last night.

I finally fell asleep, kinda, an hour later. BabyGirl woke me up to tell me that her dad had come in the room and told her to tell me he had taken a shower. That just really turned me off. How are you going to tell your kid that? I mean it was embarrassing enough that she knew what was going on, but come on now. Geez!

Early this morning, before daylight our dog started barking like crazy outside. I went to try and get her to come in, but she didn’t want to. I left her out there. She’s much better now that she’s home from the vet. Anyway, she kept barking and barking, but I could not see anyone out there. Then about 30 minutes later, six gunshots rang out. I heard a car speed away, and it sounded like it was in the alley behind our house. That’s when the dog wanted to come in. Go figure!

I didn’t see anything as I was half expecting to see somebody lying in the alley. About 20 minutes later, I saw a police officer walking through the alley with a flashlight. Cool, they were on the scene, and I felt relieved.

I went into the living room to tell Hombre, and he said he thought he had heard something, but figured he had been dreaming. It was then that he took me into his arms, apologized for what happened earlier, and we made love. It was great!

See how crazy our relationship is? I figured I just better take the good times as they come. Plus, they called him in to work today, so double “YAY!”

Yeah, it’s all good…for now.

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